The title of this post was my standard comeback for anyone who asked about us having more children.
Random Person: "Don't you want to try for a sweet little girl?"
Me: "Booths are made for 4 people. If you go to a restaurant with 5 or more people, you have to wait an extra 15 minutes. So, no, I don't want to try for a girl because I don't like to wait for a table."
Short, to the point, and Random Person didn't bring it up again. Which was just the way I liked it.
Our new house only has 3 bedrooms. The boys have their own bedrooms, and they love it that way. This was becoming my new answer to "The Question." I even used it on Phillip about 6 months ago. He said he didn't think I'd have another baby even if he really wanted one. I told him he was a smart man.
Obviously God had plans for me that I wasn't aware of. It is amazing to me, that since I've opened my heart to HIS plan, waiting for a table or having two kids in one room hasn't even entered my mind. What has entered my mind, and my heart, is a desire for Him. I cannot seem to read my Bible enough. I'm always thinking about the next time I can steal a few quiet moments to sit down with Him and read His word and pray. I feel much more full since accepting what the Lord was trying to tell me. I'm still tired, stretched too thin, and pulled in every direction, but I'm thankful and happy for it. Before, I couldn't imagine adding one more person to this family; another schedule, another mouth to feed, another person saying "Mom, I need ..." Now I imagine it all the time! And I can't wait.
Proverbs 19:21 There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel- that will stand.
Keep praying for us!
Coconut Covered Protein Balls
1 year ago