I stopped by a friend's house yesterday to drop off some Cd's I had borrowed and ended up staying for a chat with her and her husband. They asked how the adoption process was going for us, and it was really nice to be able to openly talk about everything involved. We talked, I cried, we prayed, we talked some more- just one of those times that really makes you glad to be in that moment. I had mentioned something I heard a reality show participant say, that God laughs at our plans, and said that God had really laughed at mine to stop at 2 kids! But since I accepted His will for me, I haven't had any doubts about what is happening in my life. As I said the word "accepted" my friend's husband said "surrendered." I had not thought about that word in my relationship to God, but there couldn't be a more perfect one to describe how I feel towards Him right now. I know that His plan will be revealed to our family and I trust Him completely.
I'm working on the home study paperwork and am close to being finished. When it is done, I will post about it. You might be surprised at how much is involved!
Coconut Covered Protein Balls
1 year ago