I have been putting off writing this post since I started this blog. I don't like to talk about money (who does?), but if someone considering adoption is reading this blog, it might help them make a decision.
When I first asked a friend how much an adoption cost, I was floored. When she told me they were prepared to spend upwards of $30,000 to adopt from Ethiopia, I couldn't believe it. Phillip's response was, "They sure make it hard to help." That's what I was feeling, too. At the time, I wasn't fully surrendered to the idea of adoption, and really didn't know how we'd ever come up with that kind of money. And adopting from Ethiopia is one of the more economical countries from which to adopt!
After we decided to follow God's plan and jump in, we had to decide exactly where to adopt from, and finances definitely played a part in our decision. After much prayer, we decided to adopt domestically, and not to use an agency. Going through an agency for a domestic adoption could still cost us between $15,000 and $20,000, which is really more than 2 school teachers can afford right now! We are hoping to adopt privately and keep the cost under $8,000. Here are the things we're doing to pay for our adoption.
- We opened up a separate savings account at a bank other than our "regular" bank. I didn't want to be tempted to touch the adoption money for other things.
- I have been cutting back on everything I possibly can. I am a notorious clothes, shoe, and handbag fanatic, but I haven't purchased anything new that wasn't absolutely necessary since the spring. I also went as long as I could without coloring my hair, but once it began looking like it belonged on a scarecrow, I gave in! I've also been clipping coupons, watching the weekly circulars, and trying to only buy what we need at the grocery, which is very difficult!
- I am privately tutoring a student every afternoon. This opportunity just fell into my lap one day as I was walking through the school office, proving to me that God will provide.
- I don't go to Murfreesboro to shop at Target like I used to. The last time I went, I spent $50, all on necessities, like paper towels and razor blades. A year ago I couldn't get out of there for under $200, and I usually went once a month!
- I took lots of clothes to our local consignment sale rather than give the clothes away.
- My amazing friend, Leanne McCullough, has been my biggest cheerleader and fund raiser. She takes beautiful pictures, and her new lifestyle photography business is really taking off. She and I planned a "Summer Fun" photo shoot. Many of our friends brought their kids to our house to play in the sprinkler, jump on the trampoline, and eat popsicles and watermelon, all while Leanne took pictures. Each session lasted about 30 minutes, and Leanne took some of the most beautiful pictures, some of which (my favorites) you saw at the top of this post. We're doing another photo shoot this Saturday at a pumpkin patch, and another for Christmas card pictures next month.
- We will be having a yard and bake sale October 22nd. We will take your junk!
- Leanne and I will be making fudge and peanut brittle to sell between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Place your orders now!