Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Steps

I emailed the social worker about our home study the other day, and she emailed me back with this attached to the email. It's the application to get a home study packet. That's right. You have to apply to GET a home study packet. So basically, you have to apply to apply to adopt a child. Whew! Just one of many baby steps in our giant leap of faith.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet the Family!

LIKES: Mexican food, Sam Elliott's mustache, going to church, TN Titans football, bald men in reading glasses, Jackson's dimples, Grant's freckles, sugar
DISLIKES: apathy, pepsi, long fingernails on guys, unloading the dishwasher
LIKES: TN Vols football, history, texting, Chicago Cubs baseball, Prince, a wife with long hair, bacon
DISLIKES: healthy food, facebook, talking on the phone, clutter, musicals

LIKES: Star Wars, math, reading in bed, baseball, making his own turkey sandwich, swordfights, root beer, anything homemade to eat, the US presidents
DISLIKES: baths, little brothers, spelling homework, losing at anything, cleaning up

LIKES: Jesus, dirt, cars, dancing, eating, diet coke, helping, saying the prayer before dinner, trucks, food (all of it), our dog Chloe
DISLIKES: big brothers, wearing undies, brushing teeth, waking up in the morning

Friday, May 7, 2010

And now, for our main attraction...

Look at the new blog background. Can you tell what it is? A circus. Otherwise known as my life right now!

I really wanted to post something inspirational and uplifting this week. Maybe even a great story about my mom or Phillip's mom to honor them for Mother's Day. But the three rings of the King Family Circus have been calling me all week. And I have a feeling they will continue to call for the next 15 years or so. But maybe I'll get a little relief on May 28th at 9:30 when the dismissal bell rings for summer vacation. Because then I'll have 104 fewer sweethearts calling my name every minute I'm with them. And then I'll only have three sweethearts calling me. They call me by a much nicer name than the 104 others.

If you're reading this, and you're a mom, have a great day on Sunday. I hope you get to do whatever your heart desires, whether it's taking a bath uninterrupted, reading a magazine, being served breakfast in bed, or just not having to unload the dishwasher for one day. I'll be at the ball park, doing my most favorite thing, watching my guys.
