Thursday, November 18, 2010

Testing 1,2,3...

This is Petey. He followed Phillip and the boys home one Sunday afternoon. They were on a bike ride and were over a mile from our house when he began following them. At the time, he weighed less than 6 pounds. The boys kept asking Phillip if they could keep him, and he kept telling them no even though Phillip really wanted him, too. Phillip decided that if Petey made it down the hill right before our house and turned left into the driveway he would be ours. Petey turned left into the driveway.

I really didn't need another dog. We already have Chloe. But he was so cute and so sweet, so I caved and said we could keep him.

Petey loved being at our house. He and Chloe were immediate friends, and he quickly claimed the end of Grant' s bed as his. He loved to snuggle and be a lap dog. His only problem was that he just couldn't grasp the idea of using the bathroom outside. I worked with him every spare moment I could, but the little guy was struggling. There were several times I considered giving him to someone else, but since I first saw him, I had a feeling Petey was a test. If I could pass the test with Petey, I could handle another baby. So I never gave up on him, and I am happy to say he's now housebroken.

Yay for Petey (all 9.4 pounds of him), and yay for me for passing this test.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Grand Total is.....


Wow! That's a lot of money for a one-day yard sale in Winchester, TN. We were so blessed to have good weather, two cute little helpers, and lots of great folks come out to the sale. So many people donated items for the sale including family members, friends, and many of my North Middle School family. Many of the shoppers bought too few cookies for too much money, or told us to "keep the change," or came back 2 or even 3 times to shop! Some friends who couldn't come passed on the email to family and friends who did come over. To all of you we say, "Thank You!" We also want to say thanks to:
  • the friend and colleague of Phillip's who came with a $50 check and bought 2 Rescue Hero toys and 2 chocolate chip cookies.
  • the lady who cleans parking lots for a living who bought a box full of stuff, and, when Phillip told her to "pay whatever you think it's worth," gave him a $50 bill because, "you've got to pass it on when something good happens to you."
  • my hairdresser, because she donated my haircut that afternoon so we could put the money in the adoption fund.
  • the man who came in his military uniform after his shift ended at the Air Force base and handed Phillip an envelope, said, "I hope this helps. I found it in a fish's mouth," and walked off. We don't even know your name, but we sure do appreciate the $400 that was in that envelope.
We were hoping to make about $300 from the yard sale and obviously surpassed that. But more than the money, Phillip and I were truly touched by the kindness of the people who helped us, gave us words of encouragement, or are now praying for us in this journey.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Much Does it Cost? How Are We Paying for It?

I have been putting off writing this post since I started this blog. I don't like to talk about money (who does?), but if someone considering adoption is reading this blog, it might help them make a decision.

When I first asked a friend how much an adoption cost, I was floored. When she told me they were prepared to spend upwards of $30,000 to adopt from Ethiopia, I couldn't believe it. Phillip's response was, "They sure make it hard to help." That's what I was feeling, too. At the time, I wasn't fully surrendered to the idea of adoption, and really didn't know how we'd ever come up with that kind of money. And adopting from Ethiopia is one of the more economical countries from which to adopt!

After we decided to follow God's plan and jump in, we had to decide exactly where to adopt from, and finances definitely played a part in our decision. After much prayer, we decided to adopt domestically, and not to use an agency. Going through an agency for a domestic adoption could still cost us between $15,000 and $20,000, which is really more than 2 school teachers can afford right now! We are hoping to adopt privately and keep the cost under $8,000. Here are the things we're doing to pay for our adoption.

  • We opened up a separate savings account at a bank other than our "regular" bank. I didn't want to be tempted to touch the adoption money for other things.
  • I have been cutting back on everything I possibly can. I am a notorious clothes, shoe, and handbag fanatic, but I haven't purchased anything new that wasn't absolutely necessary since the spring. I also went as long as I could without coloring my hair, but once it began looking like it belonged on a scarecrow, I gave in! I've also been clipping coupons, watching the weekly circulars, and trying to only buy what we need at the grocery, which is very difficult!
  • I am privately tutoring a student every afternoon. This opportunity just fell into my lap one day as I was walking through the school office, proving to me that God will provide.
  • I don't go to Murfreesboro to shop at Target like I used to. The last time I went, I spent $50, all on necessities, like paper towels and razor blades. A year ago I couldn't get out of there for under $200, and I usually went once a month!
  • I took lots of clothes to our local consignment sale rather than give the clothes away.
  • My amazing friend, Leanne McCullough, has been my biggest cheerleader and fund raiser. She takes beautiful pictures, and her new lifestyle photography business is really taking off. She and I planned a "Summer Fun" photo shoot. Many of our friends brought their kids to our house to play in the sprinkler, jump on the trampoline, and eat popsicles and watermelon, all while Leanne took pictures. Each session lasted about 30 minutes, and Leanne took some of the most beautiful pictures, some of which (my favorites) you saw at the top of this post. We're doing another photo shoot this Saturday at a pumpkin patch, and another for Christmas card pictures next month.
  • We will be having a yard and bake sale October 22nd. We will take your junk!
  • Leanne and I will be making fudge and peanut brittle to sell between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Place your orders now!
For now, this is what we have planned. We will do more in the spring, I'm sure. I have no worries about paying for this adoption. I know God wouldn't have placed me on this path without providing the means to finish the journey.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Names, Names, Names!

It just hit me this week that we need to find some names for our baby. We don't know if we have 9 months to decide on a name, so we'd better have a few in our pockets just in case we get "the call." I have one boy's name and one girl's name that I've been throwing around in my head, but when Phillip said them out loud with our last name, I'm not sure I liked them so much. Now I"m blank for names.

So, precious blog followers, I need your help. Leave me a comment with your name suggestions. If we pick yours for the baby, I just might let you hold him/her :) Here are my baby naming rules:
  1. Whatever the first name, that is what the baby will be called. No nicknames, shortened names, or going by middle names in this house. Lesson learned from Phillip's brother.
  2. It has to sound "right" with King at the end. Some names just don't. Anything ending in a "k" sound sounds like a verb. Example- Blake King(I love this name, btw)- "I think I'll do some blaking tonight." Also, many names ending in vowel sounds do the same.
  3. It must be spelled the traditional way. No Ashlee, Ashlie, or Ashleigh around here. I don't want my kid to have to spell his/her name every time someone else has to write it down. I had to do that with my own last name growing up and hated it.
  4. It must sound good with "President of the United States" in front of it. I have high expectations for my kids.

If you think you're up to the challenge (I know, I like rules), then leave a comment. Some sweet snuggle time could be in your near future!

Still praying-


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Home Study PaperWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished it all about 2 weeks ago. I never imagined getting together the papers to adopt would be so time consuming, but it was. It took me about 6 weeks to finish, and I wasn't even working! I cannot imagine trying to get it all together while teaching school and living life. Here's the list of everything I gathered for the home study, and where I had to go to get it if I didn't have it already.

  • Certified birth certificates for every member of the family (health department)
  • Marriage license (Rutherford County Clerk's office)
  • Financial information form
  • Copy of driver's license (I forgot this one- oops!)
  • Copy of front page of federal tax returns for the last 3 years
  • Statement from bank stating how long we have been customers, that we are in good standing, and the current balance in savings and checking accounts
  • Letter from employer stating job title, length of employment, salary, and probability of continued employment
  • 4 letters of recommendation (3 from non-family members and 1 from a family member) stating how they know us, how long they have known us, what kind of people we are, and what kind of parents we would be to a child we adopt
  • Medical forms for each adoptive parent and for any child in the home (4 doctor's visits!)
  • FBI fingerprinting (a place in town does this)
  • Residential history form
  • Vaccination record for any pets in the house
  • Copy of water bill
  • Home study agreement form
  • Home study release form
  • Confidential disclosure forms on members of the household over 12 years old
  • Picture of the family

WHEW! It definitely was a lot, but it will be worth it. We also had our first visit with the social worker this morning at 8:30! That is so early for us at the end of the summer. She came to the house, interviewed all 4 of us, and looked around the house. She didn't look in the closets (that would have been okay- you all know Phillip) or look to see if the bathtubs were clean (that wouldn't have been okay- you all know me). She was super nice about everything, and I think we came off as pretty decent people!

We have one more visit with the social worker, and then we will begin working to find our baby. I pray for our baby and his/her mother daily, hoping they are safe and that they will find their way to us sooner rather than later.



Friday, June 18, 2010


I stopped by a friend's house yesterday to drop off some Cd's I had borrowed and ended up staying for a chat with her and her husband. They asked how the adoption process was going for us, and it was really nice to be able to openly talk about everything involved. We talked, I cried, we prayed, we talked some more- just one of those times that really makes you glad to be in that moment. I had mentioned something I heard a reality show participant say, that God laughs at our plans, and said that God had really laughed at mine to stop at 2 kids! But since I accepted His will for me, I haven't had any doubts about what is happening in my life. As I said the word "accepted" my friend's husband said "surrendered." I had not thought about that word in my relationship to God, but there couldn't be a more perfect one to describe how I feel towards Him right now. I know that His plan will be revealed to our family and I trust Him completely.

I'm working on the home study paperwork and am close to being finished. When it is done, I will post about it. You might be surprised at how much is involved!


Friday, June 4, 2010

Car Talk

This picture is of Grant and his best friend, Tommy. It was taken over a year ago, after their first baseball game of the season. These two crack me up. They've been friends since they were babies and can go months without seeing each other and pick up right where they left off. Rarely do they argue over anything and play dates are always successful. So we took Tommy to the ball field with us last night. Grant's team played the late game, but he wanted to watch the game before so we went early. After picking Tommy up, we were in the car driving to get a bite to eat and the boys were talking. Tommy and his family had been out of town the night before to look at a boat for sale and had stayed in a hotel. We talked about jumping on the beds because that's what our family always does the minute we set foot in a hotel room. Grant asked Tommy, "Why did you guys have to stay in hotel last night?" Tommy replied, "We're thinking about buying a boat." To which Grant replied, "We're thinking about buying a baby!" Once I stopped laughing, I explained to Grant that we weren't buying a baby, we were adopting a baby and there's a difference. I guess he's heard me talk about how expensive the adoption process is and how we really need to watch what we spend. We're saving every possible penny right now to bring this baby into our home. Grant must equate that with "buying a baby." I'll never forget that one!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Steps

I emailed the social worker about our home study the other day, and she emailed me back with this attached to the email. It's the application to get a home study packet. That's right. You have to apply to GET a home study packet. So basically, you have to apply to apply to adopt a child. Whew! Just one of many baby steps in our giant leap of faith.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet the Family!

LIKES: Mexican food, Sam Elliott's mustache, going to church, TN Titans football, bald men in reading glasses, Jackson's dimples, Grant's freckles, sugar
DISLIKES: apathy, pepsi, long fingernails on guys, unloading the dishwasher
LIKES: TN Vols football, history, texting, Chicago Cubs baseball, Prince, a wife with long hair, bacon
DISLIKES: healthy food, facebook, talking on the phone, clutter, musicals

LIKES: Star Wars, math, reading in bed, baseball, making his own turkey sandwich, swordfights, root beer, anything homemade to eat, the US presidents
DISLIKES: baths, little brothers, spelling homework, losing at anything, cleaning up

LIKES: Jesus, dirt, cars, dancing, eating, diet coke, helping, saying the prayer before dinner, trucks, food (all of it), our dog Chloe
DISLIKES: big brothers, wearing undies, brushing teeth, waking up in the morning

Friday, May 7, 2010

And now, for our main attraction...

Look at the new blog background. Can you tell what it is? A circus. Otherwise known as my life right now!

I really wanted to post something inspirational and uplifting this week. Maybe even a great story about my mom or Phillip's mom to honor them for Mother's Day. But the three rings of the King Family Circus have been calling me all week. And I have a feeling they will continue to call for the next 15 years or so. But maybe I'll get a little relief on May 28th at 9:30 when the dismissal bell rings for summer vacation. Because then I'll have 104 fewer sweethearts calling my name every minute I'm with them. And then I'll only have three sweethearts calling me. They call me by a much nicer name than the 104 others.

If you're reading this, and you're a mom, have a great day on Sunday. I hope you get to do whatever your heart desires, whether it's taking a bath uninterrupted, reading a magazine, being served breakfast in bed, or just not having to unload the dishwasher for one day. I'll be at the ball park, doing my most favorite thing, watching my guys.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Booths are made for 4 people!

The title of this post was my standard comeback for anyone who asked about us having more children.

Random Person: "Don't you want to try for a sweet little girl?"

Me: "Booths are made for 4 people. If you go to a restaurant with 5 or more people, you have to wait an extra 15 minutes. So, no, I don't want to try for a girl because I don't like to wait for a table."

Short, to the point, and Random Person didn't bring it up again. Which was just the way I liked it.

Our new house only has 3 bedrooms. The boys have their own bedrooms, and they love it that way. This was becoming my new answer to "The Question." I even used it on Phillip about 6 months ago. He said he didn't think I'd have another baby even if he really wanted one. I told him he was a smart man.

Obviously God had plans for me that I wasn't aware of. It is amazing to me, that since I've opened my heart to HIS plan, waiting for a table or having two kids in one room hasn't even entered my mind. What has entered my mind, and my heart, is a desire for Him. I cannot seem to read my Bible enough. I'm always thinking about the next time I can steal a few quiet moments to sit down with Him and read His word and pray. I feel much more full since accepting what the Lord was trying to tell me. I'm still tired, stretched too thin, and pulled in every direction, but I'm thankful and happy for it. Before, I couldn't imagine adding one more person to this family; another schedule, another mouth to feed, another person saying "Mom, I need ..." Now I imagine it all the time! And I can't wait.

Proverbs 19:21 There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel- that will stand.

Keep praying for us!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I hope you'll pray for us!

So here's the deal. I'm not a great writer, and I've never thought I had anything really interesting to say. Starting a blog never entered my mind until a few months ago.

I started having thoughts about adoption and how awesome it is when someone adopts a child. A facebook friend, who was also an "old" high school friend, recently adopted, and I was touched by her family's journey. I couldn't watch "The Blind Side" because I would cry uncontrollably every time the trailer came on. I started doing a little research here and there, looking at waiting children lists and adoption agencies, social workers, home studies and costs. All this time I was just thinking. Or so I thought!

I didn't realize that God had planted a seed in me. And as I "thought" about adoption, that seed was growing. I have come to the realization that I cannot deny His will for me any longer. I am being called to adopt.

I hope you'll follow our journey and pray for us too.


Hello. Is anybody there?

Testing to see if this actually works!