I really didn't need another dog. We already have Chloe. But he was so cute and so sweet, so I caved and said we could keep him.
Petey loved being at our house. He and Chloe were immediate friends, and he quickly claimed the end of Grant' s bed as his. He loved to snuggle and be a lap dog. His only problem was that he just couldn't grasp the idea of using the bathroom outside. I worked with him every spare moment I could, but the little guy was struggling. There were several times I considered giving him to someone else, but since I first saw him, I had a feeling Petey was a test. If I could pass the test with Petey, I could handle another baby. So I never gave up on him, and I am happy to say he's now housebroken.
Yay for Petey (all 9.4 pounds of him), and yay for me for passing this test.
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