Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I love the renewal that comes with the day, the excitement of the children, and celebrating the Resurrection. We hosted the church egg hunt at our house, made empty tomb cookies, and made the boys each their own set of Resurrection eggs. There is hardly a flat surface in our house that isn't covered in Easter grass! However, when Phillip and I sat watching the boys discover the goodies the Easter Bunny left for them I became very sad. I truly expected to watch three children go through Easter baskets this year.
After church, we go to Phillip's cousin Lori's house for our annual family dinner and egg hunt. It is always a great afternoon. Too much food and even more fun are always on the menu. My sweet Jackson, who I think has a more direct line to my heart than anyone else in the family, says, "Mommy, where is our baby. Why don't we have her yet? It's taking a long time." I can tell you the exact location we were on the road when he opened my floodgates with those words! It was all I needed to unload all those feelings that had surfaced earlier in the morning. I think I cried the rest of the way to Murfreesboro.
Let me also say that I have been very open to accepting a child of either gender, but Jackson has decided that our baby will be a girl. I don't think I could ever choose. After all, this is all His plan. BUT:
This can't be denied. Little girls love him. And seeing him with Baby Ansley was the little bit of hope I needed to keep on going. I know there is a plan and God wouldn't have brought me on this journey without an end in sight. It's just on His time, not mine.
Keep praying for us-
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